Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Possible Names!!!

So we have finally been able to come up with a few name choices. The whole nameing thing is so stressful. This is defentely the hardest part of being pregnant, having to be responsible for chooseing a name that this boy will be living with for the rest of his life. I want to find a name that is strong, one that could possibly have a nickname, one that he won't be made fun of in highschool and so many other pressures. well with no further ado here is our top choices for baby monkey's name. Please feel free to leave comments with your thoughts but remember in the end that the final choice will be made after John and I meet him.

names possible middle names
Brayden matthew
Dylan tyler
Roarke alexander
Tristan jackson


  1. Okay...Now I can see why you guys are having such a hard time. I LOVE them all. They are all really great, strong names. I have a feeling when you look into his eyes the right name will just come to you. Hang in there and I hope the other comments are more helpful then mine.

  2. McKenna's top picks are ...
    1)Tristan Jackson...she says this one sounds just about perfect
    2)Dylan Tyler
    3)Brayden Matthew

    Blake likes Roarke the best, then Dylan Tyler, then Tristan Jackson.

    Dan has no commentary today.

    Renee thinks Camden is kinda neat...but Tristan is nice...and Kolton...and Brayden too. Yikess!!!!!!
