Monday, December 20, 2010

Weekly Pictures

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 13

Week 13.5

Week 15

I know i missed a few weeks in there but you get the general idea that my belly is starting to grow!!


I feel time is flying by! I’m just about half way to the due date which scares me completely as I feel I have not made any progress on getting done what needs to be done for this baby. I have no nursery set up, I have no registry completed and I have no idea what I’m really getting myself in for. I’m sure this is completely normal but it is freaking me out and I feel that no one understands. I really like to be prepared ahead of time for any major event. I mean I had 2 years to plan my wedding and I still was freaking out that I wasn’t prepared. Well I guess in a way I had 2 years of my life to plan for this event however when your trying to get pregnant you really don’t go and buy baby furniture and register as then your family looks at you like you’re a nut case.

How does one ever really prepare for their life to change in unimaginable ways? I mean I know I need to get the basics, I need a daycare, a place for the child to sleep and some other random stuff and all I have so far is oh that’s right nothing!!! I have 4 months left before the earliest I could go and in my head 4 months is not long enough to get ready for this. I lie in bed thinking about how our guest bedroom how to be converted to a nursery and that means clearing out all the junk that has accumulated and actually put a closet system back in the closet. I think about how am I suppose to know how to change a diaper, I think about how can I possibly find a daycare that I can trust to love and protect my child 10 hours a day, I think about how is my relationship with John going to change and how do I protect it so it doesn’t. Pretty much I lie away at night freaking out.

How can I feel so ready and excited and yet so scared and unprepared at the same time? I just need to get through the holidays before I freak out too much as everyone I look to for advice and help has too much on their plates right now to help me stop freaking out.

Waiting game

There hasn't been a ton to post about recently, as we are currently in that waiting game. Its weird to say, as what is life but waiting for the next moment. I mean before being pregnant, we were waiting to become it. Now that we are pregnant, we are waiting for our child to arrive. It feels like being in an airport. You rush to get there, hours ahead, only to sit in a cramped terminal, waiting for something to happen. We are ready to have our number called, but at the same time, we are terrified of how different life will become.

The scary thing that we are coming to realize is that we are waiting, and yet still traveling at hundreds of miles an hour. Picture yourself standing up, looking at your feet. They are not moving. Now look up, and notice that everything around you is flying past in a blur. Its hard to accept that at this time next year, we will have a 8 month old baby crawling around. Its strange to think that next Christmas we will begin new traditions, with our own family. It is not an easy thing to decide as these traditions will be something that our children remember for their entire life.

We are excited this week to get our next checkup, and hopefully learn the gender of our baby. Fingers crossed that the baby is just as excited to show us and cooperates. At that point the waiting game will go away for a bit, as we can begin to plan that much more. We can organize clothes, setup the nursery, and think more about possible names. We will be more then halfway to the baby at that point, which is scary. Wasn't it just yesterday that we were so excited to hear the news we were pregnant? And now in 4 months, we'll be carrying a bundle of joy around to meet the world.

I'm sure we will post again soon, as the news will be too good to not let everyone know, but until then, wish us luck on the baby's cooperation and have an excellent holiday everyone