Monday, May 10, 2010

Medical Bills

I'm so sick of medical bills that just keep coming in. We have spent around $3,000 just trying to do all the testing required before we can more forward. That is 3 grand that we now don't have in our pockets to pay to actually have the child and really the results from the tests were often the same information. Why couldn't we start with the MRI which was the most expensive and find our about my unicorn and just be done with that? No we had to have multiple internal ultrasounds, one xray test,another internal with bubbles, and then a MRI all to come to the same conclusion that i only have 1 tube.

John are I are going to do a couple of rounds of IUI because at this current point in time we can't afford the IVF cycle although if the IUI doesn't take, we probably will have to but things on hold for a while ( don't even want to think about how long) before we can afford the IVF.

I wish things were not so expensive. Looks like our life is going to be sitting at home never going out as we just can not afford to do anything. We have to count all of our pennies, ugh!

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