Thursday, April 8, 2010

Better than i feared, Worse than i hoped.

So today we went in for our test results. I went in thinking that i was going to be told that we couldn't have children, but i was definitely hoping that they would say nothing was wrong with my uterus and that we could easily do IUI's. I was also praying for a definite answer, i wanted the Dr. to tell me what we were going to do. Well the results were better than i feared, i will be able to have a child, but not as good as i was hoping as we have to avoid multiples as my uterus is what they call a unicorn uterus which is half of a uterus.
This is my uterus i have half of what is suppose to be there with 1 working tube and ovaries on both sides. The other half that is suppose to be connected is just hanging around having a good time being useless. A unicorn is when the uterus never fully develops which shouldn't have come as a surprise to me as my cleft lip and palette were formed by the tissue never fully developing.

Well the Dr. gave us this news and then told us that we have 4 options. What 4 options? dude you were suppose to tell me the game plan and i would be all happy to go along with it. but no i have to actually make some hard decisions now.

So here are our options
  1. Keep trying the old fashion way as for someone with 1 tube it actually takes 2 years to be considered having fertility problems. Um if i wanted to keep trying i would have saved myself the $3,000 we have already spent on figuring out what is going on. So i'm saying that this option is a big fat NO!!
  2. Go ahead and do regular IUI's with an ultrasound ahead of time to see what side I am ovulating on. If its the correct side (my left side) then we will inseminate if not we will try the next month. I'm open to this idea but I don't want to keep doing this forever. The percentage for this is only 15% when its the correct side, still not likeing my odds then.
  3. Do IUI's but with Clomid to increase the egg production. Again do the ultrasound however if there are too many follicles we can't move forward either as my uterus would not be able to carry multiples. This could be good as the percentage increases to 20% however this could be bad as if too many follicles we couldn't move forward either. if we did option number 2 for three correct side cycles then we would have to move to option 3 or option 4.
  4. Do IVF this summer. well this always was the thought but we can only put 1 embryo in at a time and if the first time doesn't work then we will have to save more $$ to try again.
So all in all i have no idea what i want to do as if we could get pregnant from IUI we would save a ton of money but we have a better chance with IVF around 60%. I just wish someone would tell me that they looked into their crystal ball and saw which option would work. I'm more upset not from the news but from not knowing which way to go. well i had read before that a unicorn uterus could effect your kidneys so yay for having no kidney problems.

I know that we will come up with a good option i just don't know what that is that still allows us to go on vacation, do house projects and achieve our end goal of a beautiful baby.

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