Sunday, July 11, 2010

Strike 3

So we just hit 3 months of ovulating on the wrong side. And you know what happens when you strike out 3 times, your out! So now we are onto bigger and better things. Or so we think. Its time to really analyze if we can afford to go forward with the IVF route. With everything seeming to break in our house and there are some of these things we aren't willing to put on hold for very long.

Our Car needs to be repaired (heat and AC not working)
dryer works now but seems to go in and out so lets hope it holds.
Our upstairs windows need to be replaced as the storm windows are not holding, so this needs to be done before winter.
Ugh there goes any real decorating i wanted to do for my house and the basement on hold indefinately.

So this weekend John and I have probably flip flopped more times than we can count and i am stressed about this decision beyond belief. I don't think i can emotionally wait for finances to be better but due to many medical bills and the misc. costs that have come up we are not in the best place to move forward either.

Oh I wish I knew what the right answer was.

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