Thursday, January 27, 2011
Where to begin
Well i'm not sure where to begin as it has been so long since we posted. Over Christmas my good friend Leatrice was sent to the hospital with a bunch of serious problems and ended up in the ICU for awhile. Well thankfully God works miracles and she was able to come out of the ICU better than most expected. Due to her being forced to be bedridden for so long she lost most of her abiltty to move, function and take care of her kids. She is so amazing that only a few weeks from being out of the hospital she was pretty much back up and running however taking care of her kids was still a bit of a problem. I volunteered as soon as i could to come and help her take of her family. So off to Arizona i went for a week, lucky for me i left when Wisconsin was haveing horrible snow and cold storms. So while i was in the sun and wearing t shirts and flip flops, Wisconsin was stuck inside dealing with the cold.
I had a truly great time, being able to just hang out with Leatrice and talk to her after I thought i would never see her again was the biggest gift i could ever receive. John and i are going to make it a priority to see her, tony and their family at least once a year so either they come here or we are going there.
While i was there Leatrice kept me super busy doing crazy amounts of shopping (can you say fun!), book club (which i read about half of before the meeting), MOPS (mothers of preschoolers, very inspirational and informative), girls night (never have laughed so hard) and of course watching the growing Embry and the beautiful little Nola.
Going and watching 2 little girls (a two year old and a 3 month old) right before i have my own little one could not have been better timing. I feel so reassured that i may actually be able to do this whole parenting thing. True, Leatrice and Tony were both around to always be there for advice and of course help. I feel like i can now change a diaper (couldn't really remember what i was doing the first time, so Tony and Leatrice talked me through it), feed a baby a bottle (and make the formula bottle) and even change little ones outfits. Nola is a very calm baby so she was easy to take care of and it doesn't hurt that she is so cute. Embry is definitely a 2 year old, everything she said was i NEED this, and i do it myself and everything i asked her to do she would of course do the opposite. But even when she is being a 2 year old she gives you this cute look and you can't really be mad at her.
Couple of funny stories of taking care of the kids from my trip:
- I was dressing Nola one day and Leatrice told me to put her socks on, so i put these tiny little sock like things with a ruffled rim on her feet, however they kept falling off when Leatrice informed me that i had put her mittens on her feet. Guess that is why there were so small, and who knew babies wore mittens that look like socks.
- Changing my first Nola poopy diaper was gross, how does a kid who only drinks formula poop so much green goop? And no matter how hard i tried the poop was in every crevice of her tush.
- Changing my one and only Embry diaper though was a million times worse, as it was still green but it was chunky and the smell was so freaking strong that i couldn't help but gag.
I can't wait to see Leatrice and her girls again as I hate that every time i see them they will have all grown a ton. I am so much more ready to see my little boy, it probably doesn't hurt that Leatrice helped me buy a ton of little boy outfits YAY.
Gender Shmender
So we finally know the gender. It was such a treat to get to know on Christmas morning, by far the best gift under the tree. When we started this process, we were open to either a boy or a girl, as we want two kids, and one of each. Its funny that even though we have just found out the gender of our first, we are already worried about the future. What happens if baby two is the same gender, do we try for a baby three? how about baby three, then do we try for baby four? Well i don't know about you, but when we haven't even had one, its hard to imagine three or four little ones running around.
Knowing the gender gives us such freedom. We now can plan the colors of the room, the theme of the walls, and the cute baby outfits to occupy the first year of the baby's life. I think that hardest part is going to be thinking of names. Up to this point, we were able to think of general things that we like, but the reality has set in, and its time to go from general, to first and middle names, and even spelling comes into play. We want something that is unique enough to not be on the no fly list, like john white, but not bizarre to the point that people say, were your parents on something when they named you?
O, did i go all this time and not say what gender we were having? how rude! I guess we wanted to wait a bit, as the doctor was only 90 percent sure in December, and we just had another appointment where they could give us the 110 percent answer. ITS A BOY! Its strange that when they confirm the gender, they give you a nice picture of his package on the ultrasound. Is that something we should save until he brings home his first girlfriend to embarrass him? I mean if we have a picture of 5 days after conception, then what else can get better then that.
Having a son is something both Kristy and I knew was coming. I had predicted it since before we got pregnant, in part because i think we were so excited for a daughter. Kristy also had dreams about holding a baby boy in her arms, which was a sign. As the reality sinks in, its getting better and better every moment. I get to teach my son to play sports, and to wrestle and rough house. I get to have him help me with construction projects and work on the car, and everything that typical boys do. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not sexist, and if i had a daughter, i would offer to have her do the same. But its just surreal that I'll have a son that will emulate my moves and try to grow up to be like me. A good friend of my was very excited we were having a boy and said "the world needs more good guys". It sort of caught me off guard, but its very true. I don't claim to be a saint, but i know that I am a man that puts his family first, and has such a strong sense of doing good for others. And the thought that my son will grow up with some of the same values makes me proud already.